With Phase I of the deepening project nearing completion bids were recently received for Phase II of the Acadiana Gulf of Mexico Access Channel (AGMAC). This second phase of dredging will be 20 miles long from Intracoastal City to the Freshwater Bayou lock. Orion Marine Group, one of the industry’s premier dredging companies, was awarded the contract. Work is expected to begin this month and will take 400 contract days to complete.
This Phase II of the AGMAC project will complete 60 miles of dredging which began 2-1/2 years ago.
Thanks to our legislative delegation for securing $20 million this year and $104 million in capital outlay funds in previous years, and for their commitment to the Port of Iberia and this project.
Port Executive Director Craig Romero stated that some Port businesses have already seen an impact of the deeper channel by being able to have heavier barge loads of equipment and supplies.
The AGMAC project will provide local industries in Iberia and Vermilion parishes with approximately 50 miles of navigable waterway with a 16-foot channel depth.

Craig Romero
Executive Director