Phase I of the dredging the Acadiana Gulf of Mexico Access Channel (AGMAC) is ready to begin. The AGMAC would allow dredging of a 16-foot deep channel from the Port of Iberia to the Gulf of Mexico via the Intracoastal Canal.
Contracts have been negotiated for the lowering of three pipelines to depth required by the Corps of Engineers at the Commercial Canal between the port and the Intracoastal Waterway. This portion of the project will take approximately six to eight months to complete at a cost of $6-7 Million dollar per pipeline. These funds have been appropriated by the state of Louisiana. After completion, work will begin on the actual dredging of the Port canal set to begin in 2021.
The Port is also working with landowners along the route for property restoration using dredge materials. “AGMAC is vital to the Port businesses to remain competitive,” stated Romero.